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Fury war

application Empty
PostSubject: application   application EmptyFri Oct 09, 2009 7:16 pm

Whats your character's name? Zanazuah
Whats his/her race? Troll
What is their class? Warrior
What previous experience have you aquired? Cleared OS 25, killed few bosses in naxx 25 and i've been into Uld
What spec would you choose to raid with and why: Fury because it deals more dmg in raids
What buffs would you want while raiding?All avaliable
What addons do you use for raiding?Recount, Omen, Pitbull.

What would you like to be doing in:
A week's time in world of warcraft?Raiding like hell
A month's time in world of warcraft?More Raiding :>
a year's time in world of warcraft? More raiding

Tell us a little bit about yourself, you don't have to write an essay.


Whats your name? Einar
How old are you? 15
Where do you live? Haparanda, Sweden
Do you have any hobbies? Hunting
Marmite - Love it or Hate it? Never tasted it
Tell us a joke: What planet does Hitler hate most? : JEWPITER GAHAHA

And finally:
Crabs on your Piano or Lobsters on your Organ? Crabs

& anything else you would like to add.
Armory link -
If you would like to see my ele gear just come meet me in game at any time same if you would like to ask me a few questions

Thanks for reading and Happy Gaming
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Posts : 60
Join date : 2009-07-16

application Empty
PostSubject: Re: application   application EmptySat Oct 10, 2009 5:59 pm

Ele gear on fury warrior??? Seriously tho i am gonna have to decline the application mate as we have warriors coming out of our ears atm,good luck elsewhere!!

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