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Application Empty
PostSubject: Application   Application EmptySun Jul 26, 2009 1:45 pm

Whats your character's name? Maelkon
Whats his/her race? Belf, the gay race (gotta love em)
What is their class? Priest
What previous experience have you aquired? well most of the things in tbc (not sunwell that much) then up to the first 4 bosses in ulduar.
What spec would you choose to raid with and why? im currently specced disc/holy for tank / raid healing, thinking of going shadow/holy instead, so i can dps aswell.
Would you be willing to respec? whenever i have the money for it yesh.
What buffs would you want while raiding? everything possible. (unless it is naxx)
What addons do you use for raiding? omen (if dps) deadly and the other bossmod thingie.

What would you like to be doing in:
A week's time in world of warcraft? i has no idea.
A month's time in world of warcraft? ^ same ^
a year's time in world of warcraft? ^ same ^

Tell us a little bit about yourself, you don't have to write an essay.
i joke too much, i can be a real arse against people who treats me that way. uhm for some reason i like helping people aswell o.O


Whats your name? Pontus
How old are you? 22
Where do you live? sweden/gothenburg
Do you have any hobbies? games, reading, annoying my dad.
Marmite - Love it or Hate it? i hate stuff i dont know what it is. so i hate it.
Tell us a joke: your moms so fat her ass sucks black holes in.

And finally:
Crabs on your Piano or Lobsters on your Organ? i like lobsters so ima go with those. (i mean they cant crush rocks now can they? har har har)
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Posts : 41
Join date : 2009-07-17
Location : Sweden

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptySun Jul 26, 2009 1:47 pm

I know this chap by his other char.

Will have a chat with GL and some officers and get back to you as soon as possible.

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